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Rain running

In this section we show you a few fun alternatives to track running.

swimming and running


"I've just finished a mud run. My throat burned and felt raw, my cardio-vascular system screamed for me to stop, and my quadriceps pleaded for this to be over! But it was fantastic wet fun." ~ Felix L. 

"Running is a watersport?" you may ask. Well, it depends how you do it.

Are you bored with endless rounds of track running? Want to try something exciting and new? If you're tired of running the same old 5K that meanders through the town and over the bridge, then we've got some exciting runs for you!

Whether you run the trails to stay in shape or you're training for a race, following a conditioning program is the best way to prevent injury and to prepare your body for the event that lies ahead.

Common Questions

  • Will it be cold? Sometimes.
  • Will I get dirty? Occasionally.
  • Will I get wet? Probably. Bring a change of clothes.
  • Do I need gloves? Depends on the event and terrain.

Goal Setting

The good news is that working toward a goal may do more to improve your physique and mental health than you might think. Experts recommend picking an event that will require physical training like a walk-a-thon or 5K.

According to a recent study, runners reported that just completing the event or race gave them an increased sense of accomplishment. Newcomers and seasoned veterans alike agreed that they felt more confident and more powerful in all areas of their lives after completing the race. They felt stronger mentally and physically and more able to master problems at work and in relationships.

Orienteering clothes

swimming and running

Team shirts

Team shirts add to the spirit of the event. If you're on a team, make up your own team name and a shirt to show the pride of your team.

We've seen some great shirts on many races. It makes the event all the more fun to run in a team. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just communicate the esprit de corps of your team.

Train like you run

Check it out yourself. Get into what you want to wear on race day, dressed in your favourite football team sweats and run across/up and down the river or beach.

Feel the weight of the water in your clothes, the weight of your shoes, the traction on the wet ground, the flexibility of your feet in your shoes. Make sure your shoes fit well, or suffering will follow.

Then wear Spandex or nylon leggings, lightweight top, tie your shoes double-knotted and socks tucked. Huge difference!

You don't see Marines running up the river with duct tape on their feet, do you? Usually, they're wearing boots and greens. So get with it, get tough.

Post race

In the event you want to get cleaned up, don't forget a quick change of clothes (cotton sweats are OK here!). The post race festivities are meant to be fun. You don't have to remain muddy and wet.

swimming and running

Misting Tent for the Spectators

A misting tent is a great way to cool down after all the excitement. Misting Tents are a perfect addition to any outdoor event during the hot summer season.

There's nothing better at recharging your batteries than enjoying the opportunity to take refuge underneath the canopy of a misting tent for a few minutes.

Using evaporative heat transfer technology, tiny misting nozzles spray a fine mist of water into the air inside the tent creating an environment that is much cooler than the air outside the tent. The result is an excellent cooling mist in and around the tent.

Guests can quickly cool down just by walking down wind or through the tent. You think you're cool now, just take a stroll through this tent, it feels great.