
 Wacky Watersports Magazine 


Pool Lifeguard

Story by Ralph

The local pool was looking for part-time lifeguards. Since I held a pool lifeguard qualification, I walked in and asked if I could help. In the interview I showed them my recent qualification, answered a few questions and was told how this pool operates.

Swim Test

Then is was time for the swim test. Since I didn't bring any swim clothes, they asked me to wear their ususal uniform:
red shorts and yellow polo shirt, tracksuit pants and a soft nylon shell top.

After changing into the uniform, I took a shower and jumped into the pool. The lifeguard clothes felt really good in the water.

The trainer asked me to swim a few lengths in the pool while he called a lifeguard from the staff room. Then he asked me to come out of the pool and introduced me to Sean who wore cargo pants and a blue hoodie.

"Ralph, you go to the shallow end," said the trainer, "and Sean, you jump into the deep end."

"Shall I keep my clothes on?" asked Sean.

"Yes, let's keep things real." Sean jumped in with all his kit on and swam over to the deep end.

The trainer gave me a hoodie. "Put this on and use it as a rescue aid."

I slipped on the hoodie and waded into the shallow water until I was in chest deep, shouting at the casualty to reassure him. Swimming with the hoodie on was much harder.

As I reached Sean I took off the hoodie and presented it to him as a towing aid. Then I towed him back into shallow water, helped him stand up and assisted him out of the pool.

Getting Started

I passed the test, signed on and was issued with four sets of uniforms. When I asked why so many, the trainer told me that I have to go into the pool occasionally to help or teach swimmers. On crowded days they often have one lifeguard in the pool in addition to the pool side guards.

"Whenever you're on poolside during a public session, you wear your uniform, even if you go swimming during a break." said the trainer. The reason was that we should always be recognisable by the public.

On Poolside

On a typical day I'm asked to go into the pool about 2 - 5 times, depending how busy it is, taking turns with the other lifeguards. Rarely do I need to rescue someone. Usually I have to help someone, or teach a swimming skill.

After a while I get out of the pool, change into dry clothes, ready for next time. On some days as soon as I come out of the staff room in my dry kit, I have to go back into the pool again.

Some teenagers have worked out a routine to get me into the pool more often by asking for help. After I ran out of dry uniforms one day, I decided to keep the wet clothes on as long as they are in the pool. That way I can get in an out as much as they need me.

Survival Swimming Lessons

This is my favourite event and the swimmers enjoy it a lot. Twice a week I teach the very popular survival swimming class, which is essentially how to swim fully clothed and survive.

Swimmers gradually move up from swimwear, via jeans and tee-shirt, to jogging suits and hoodies. Finally they learn how swim with waterproof adventure gear on top, and how buoyancy aids and life jackets work. Then they are ready for open water.

Each step I demonstrate myself, then they try it until they can do it with confidence. We also do ongoing aquatic strength and survival training for fitness.