
 Wacky Watersports Magazine 


Beach Jobs

Beach staff rent out boats or jet skis. They help people get on and off the beach, or swim out to get a moored boat.

Others keep the beach tidy or collect floats and other rental items from the beach or out of the water.

Most jobs are out in the sun for some of the time and often require a quick swim. Quick drying clothes give the beach staff sun protection while they get in and out of the water all day long.

anorak in pool

anorak in pool

Beach Rental

Posted by Nueng in Chiang Mai, Thailand on April 12, 2014

During public holidays, like Songkran Thai New Year, it gets very busy at our beautiful lake. People come from Chiang Mai and nearby countryside to have a picnic and splash around. It is a very colourful scene with all the clothes they wear in the lake.

Our beach shop rents out floats (truck tires) to beach visitors. They pay a small fee and then float on the truck tires or play around on them with their friends.

My job is to go and collect the tires once they have finished. Usually I just collect them from the beach or shallow water.

Often I have to wade into the water and swim out to the tires. That is always a refreshing break. When I have time I go for a swim anyway.

Working outdoors I want to avoid sunburn or a sun tan. My clothes are wet most of the day. They have to fit well and must be easy to swim in.

T-shirt and jeans are my work wear, but I prefer the Thai Fishermans pants made from lightweight cotton. They are very soft and dry quickly. I enjoy swimming in them and they look great both wet or dry.

During my lunch break I change into dry clothes, but they too get wet as soon as I return to work in the lake.