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Canadian Canoes

Open Cockpit Kayak
Open Cockpit Kayak

Closed Long Cockpit Kayak
Closed Long Cockpit Kayak

canoe squirt fun boat
Squirt Fun Boat

Sea Kayak capsize
Sea Kayak

Canoe and Kayak Boat Guide

Canadian Canoes

    Canadian Canoes may not be as fast as kayaks, but they are roomier and can carry a fair bit of cargo or more people. Watertight boxes can be secured in the centre to carry food, spare clothes and camping gear. They also add some buoyancy and should stay in place even if you capsize.

Open Cockpit Kayak

    This type of kayak is used for touring and is suitable for those who want to cover distances without going onto rough water. You will get somewhat wet from the water that drops off the paddle or small waves that splash over. No capsize drill is needed, you just fall safely out of the kayak.

Sit-on-top Kayaks

    The next evolution of open cockpit kayaks are boats where you simply sit on top. They are completely sealed and thus unsinkable. You can simply fall off or jump off whenever you want. Great for beginners.

Closed Cockpit Kayak

    These kayaks are ideal for white-water or sea surfing. They have a relatively tight-fitting cockpit sealed with a spray-deck to keep out the water when you do the Eskimo roll. Practise rolling and the capsize drill regularly. Learn how to exit the kayak safely underwater (wet exit).

Closed Long Cockpit Kayak

    A variation with a long closed cockpit is often found in racing kayaks and some boats for beginners. It is easy to get in and out of. Your knees don't slip inside the canoe, they are covered by the spray deck. When you capsize, you simply fall out of the boat when the spray deck comes off.

Slalom Kayaks

    These competition kayaks are designed for quick turns, great for wild-water action. If you're not into competition you can enjoy them for freestyle stunts. However, Squirt kayaks maybe better for that.

Squirt and Rodeo Kayaks

    These kayaks are very low volume fun boats that allow some extreme moves and get you wet before you know it. Make sure you fit inside. They come in various sizes. Try it on.

Sea Kayaks

    They are long and keep a steady course, great for touring, even on the open sea. Their shape is based on the very old and proven boat designs of the Eskimos. Some have watertight compartments to some dry bits in, like more clothing and camping gear.

    You can easily roll them back up in case of a capsize. Practice this well before you go off on a wet adventure trip.

    Sea Kayaks