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Clothes for Swimming
Guide to a wide variety of swimwear 

canoeing pool kayak hand roll

wet hoodie jeans beach running

lycra swim shirt and jeans
Lycra shirts and jeans make great swimwear.

Beach Fun Sports

    The beach is a great place for summer fun. Several beach sports are there to enjoy. We intend to report on as many as we can find. Please send inany ideas you may have.

Get Wet on the Beach

    Our readers often ask what to wear on the beach and in the water. We think it really depends on what you want to do there. For active sports you need lightweight and functional sports clothes, like running kit or tracksuits. For adventure swimming robust casual clothes like jeans and hoodies might be fun.

    Let's start from the top and consider each item of clothing from a beach fun point of view. For more detailed info check out the wet site.

jeans boy snorkel mask
Swimsuit by Levi's


    For a short while it may be fine to go topless on the beach, as long as you are aware of sun burn or wind chill. However, the smart crowd these days wears long-sleeve shirts, hoodies or anoraks in the water. Three layers provide good warmth. Reduce the inner layers when it gets warmer.


    Surfer shorts may be fine in warm weather, but jeans and cargo pants are more practical for beach fun. Levi's 501 are the popular jeans for swimming, traditionally combined with a white t-shirt. This outfit combines style with freedom of movement.

Complete Swim Suits

    Sometimes you may want a matching outfit. Popular are jeans suits, consisting of jeans and denim jacket. They have useful pockets for money, keys and cameras. Military fatigues are a bit more lose fitting. Tracksuits are quick drying and look sporty. Rain suits provide the best wind chill protection.


    Hats can provide you with sun protection or warmth. On cold days wear a neoprene hat, as you lose over 1/3 of your body heat from your head.


    On the beach are often sharp objects, like rocks, sea shells and broken glass. Therefore, shoes or sandals are essential. The dry out much faster than it takes a cut or bruise to heal. We can't understand what parents are thinking who let their kids run around on the beach with unprotected feet. Don't they care just a bit?

    Socks prevent chafing. If you have sand or very small stones in your shoes which can rub against you skin you will suffer later. Comfy socks reduce this somehow.