
 Wacky Watersports Magazine 

pool lesson outfit clothes
Wear your canoeing clothes.

canoe pool lesson
Prepare to capsize.

canoeing balance
Find your balance.

Basic Training

After the initial briefing you can start with the first steps. Some schools train you in a swimming pool first which is great fun.

The instructor will demonstrate skills on the water or run through various techniques on land. Then you can jump in and have a go.

  Canoeing fully clothed
  "I volunteer for the man over board exercise. Shall I jump in now?"
Some of the basics include:

  1. Lifting and carrying of boats
  2. How to get in and out of the boat
  3. How to keep your balance
  4. Swimming in clothes
  5. Capsize and swim to shore
  6. Man-over-board rescues
  7. How to empty the boat of water
  8. How to hold the paddle correctly
  9. Paddling forwards and backwards
  10. How to turn the boat

Holding the paddle correctly helps keep the boat in a straight line. If you hold the paddle incorrectly and off-centre the boat goes round and round in circles.

As the training progresses, you will be taught about the potential hazards on the water, rescue techniques and rescue equipment.

As you start to take extra lessons, the skills you will learn get harder, although they can be more important to you, depending on the type of training you choose.

After a few lessons and days out on and in the water you will soon start to get a feel for what you enjoy, then the fun starts. Get ready for days out and even holidays with your team, family and friends.