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wet hoodie jeans beach running

canoeing pool kayak hand roll

red poncho for sun protection

Beach Adventure Sports

The beach is a great place for summer fun. Several beach sports are there to enjoy. We intend to report on as many as we can find. Please send in any ideas you may have.

Wet Fun on the Beach

Let's face it, the point of many beach sports is to get wet and enjoy a refreshing dip every now and then. In this section we give you some ideas to help this along a little bit.

The thrill is in the uncertainty when you get wet, especially when you're fully clothed. You try to stay dry for as long a possible, but soon your clothes get splashed a little. Before you know it a wave hits you, or you fall in and get completely soaked.

Get Dressed to Get Wet

What clothes are best for swimming?
jeans boy swims in clothes
Swimming in clothes is an essential skill for most water sports because a good soaking is often part of their appeal. Be it sailing, canoeing, kite surfing or adventure racing, you wouldn't do it just in swimming briefs.

Swimming in your sports clothes is great fun to learn and practice. Here are some tips so you get the most out these activities.

Many myths are out there on what to wear and what not. Let common sense be your guide. Open water swimming has different challenges to pool swimming.

The water is colder, wind may chill you, rocks and other obstacles can get in your way.

While safety precautions should be taken, the nature of adventure sports recommends that you wear attire that reduces the possibility of mishap.

Our readers often ask what to wear on the beach and in the water. We think it really depends on what you want to do there. For active sports you need lightweight and functional sports clothes, like running kit or tracksuits. For adventure swimming robust casual clothes like jeans and hoodies might be fun.

Open water swimming

Swimming Practice

Before you go out on any adventures, practice swimming in your adventure clothes in calm water, like a pool, lake or beach. This builds confidence and avoids later surprises.

Try out every outfit and combination you may want to use for your adventures. See how heavy your clothes get when soaking wet. Can you still move around freely, or do your wet clothes get into the way.

Open water swimming You may find swimming in all these clothes quite a challenge at first, but it will get easier with consistent training.

Ask a friend, who is also into beach sports or adventure swimming, to help you or join your regular training.

Open water swimmer in anorak and long nylon pants
Be visible in bright colours.

swimming in clothes base layer
A Lycra pullover is comfy.

lycra swim shirt and jeans
Jeans are classic swimwear.

swimming in clothes base layer
A hoodie and jeans are great for tough open water training.

swimming in clothes base layer
A spare hoodie keeps you warm after your swim.

Wet Adventure Clothing Tips

Dressing for adventures in lakes, rivers, or oceans is an integral part of this sport, even on routes where it is possible to stay dry. The water can be quite cold, so dress up warm as you would for canoeing or sailing.

Let's start from the top and consider each item of clothing from a beach fun point of view.

jeans boy snorkel mask
Swimsuit by Levi's


For a short while it may be fine to go topless on the beach, as long as you are aware of sunburn and wind chill. However, the smart crowd these days wears long-sleeve shirts, hoodies or anoraks in the water. Three layers provide good warmth. Reduce the inner layers when it gets warmer.


Surfer shorts may be fine in warm weather, but jeans and cargo pants are more practical for beach fun. Levi's 501 are the popular jeans for swimming, traditionally combined with a white t-shirt. This outfit combines style with freedom of movement.

Complete Swim Suits

Sometimes you may want a matching outfit. Popular are jeans suits, consisting of jeans and denim jacket. They have useful pockets for money, keys and cameras. Military fatigues are a bit more lose fitting. Tracksuits are quick drying and look sporty. Rain suits provide the best wind chill protection.

You should bring to every adventure swimming session:

  1. Comfy Swimming Clothes
    You will definitely get wet and possibly muddy, so older clothes and shoes may be advisable. T-shirt and shorts, sweatshirt or hoodie, trousers or a tracksuit are most comfortable for swimming. You should be able to swim at least 50 metres in these clothes.

    Cotton clothes will chill you rapidly when wet and exposed to the wind. Manmade fibres are warmer. Wear comfortable clothes that are unlined so they don't hold a lot of water and air pockets. In spring and fall, wear wool or polypropylene and a windbreaker over swimwear, wool or Polartec socks under sneakers or wetsuit booties.

  2. Windproof Cover
    Keep some windproof clothes ready to keep warm. Rainwear is a most practical outfit as it dries quickly, doesn't weigh much when wet and protects you from windchill. Depending on its design it holds more or less water when swimming.

  3. Wetsuit
    For cold and wet weather, wear a 'steamer' wetsuit and paddling jacket or polypropylene, pile fleece and a windbreaker. You can wear the wetsuit under your clothes which keeps it protected from dirt or cuts.

  4. Shoes Protect Your Feet
    Safe and flexible footwear is required (old sneakers or river sandals). Robust lace-up trainers or boots with socks should be worn when you train outdoors to avoid injury and chafing. Avoid heavy boots which can impair your ability to swim unless you have trained for this.

  5. Safety Kit
    Be prepared to wear appropriate safety equipment when necessary, like a life jacket. Put on a buoyancy aid and helmet in more challenging terrain. A ball cap or visor, sunglasses and sunscreen are useful. If you wear glasses then it is advisable to tie them on.

  6. Creature Comforts
    Bring a large beach towel, sun block, plenty to drink, and dry clothes to change into afterwards. If you plan to swim several times you may want a set of dry clothes for each time. It is not nice to put on cold and clammy clothes, better start your swim in a dry outfit.

Dressed like this you are snug and safe for hours of fun in and around the water. Your local Army Surplus Shop may have most of the robust clothes and shoes you want.

wet hoodie
Shoes protect your feet.

wet hoodie


On the beach are often sharp objects, like rocks, sea shells and broken glass. Therefore, shoes or sandals are essential. The dry out much faster than it takes a cut or bruise to heal. We can't understand what parents are thinking who let their kids run around on the beach with unprotected feet. Don't they care just a bit?

Socks prevent chafing. If you have sand or very small stones in your shoes which can rub against you skin you will suffer later. Comfy socks reduce this somehow.

Hats and Hoods

Hats and hoods provide you with sun protection or warmth. On cold days wear a neoprene hat, as you lose over 1/3 of your body heat from your head.